Monday, October 14, 2013


October 2nd,

If there is one thing that the last two months have clarified for me, it is how grateful and appreciative I am, in hindsight, for my life in LA.

My heart is torn, and probably always will be, between an astoundingly beautiful place, full of culture, traditions, architecture, history and character, but pretty rigid, non adventurous and conservative, and a place rich in experiences, opportunities, friendships, community and growth, but congested with traffic and smog, lying on earthquake faults and pretty much in the desert, with none of the lush green vegetation that is, as I am reminded here, a core need for me. Oh, what to do?

Today I miss my life in LA. My routines. Music class with K2, Taekwondo with K1. The multiple and overwhelming emails from the school, asking for volunteers every other day. The OPPORTUNITY, even though I rarely had the time, to actually volunteer.

Playdates with my mom friends. Trader Joe's, my office, my clients... My messy but big kitchen, driving a mini-van, neighbors to wave at when driving by, rattle snakes... no, I'm just kidding. Not rattle snakes! I think mostly, I miss feeling useful, having meaning. And my friends. I can't even look at the pictures my husband took of all of them before we left, without crying.

But I am wallowing, and I really shouldn't. Today, I took a class on positive psychology. End the day with three things that went well today, they said.

So here it is:
-  I took K2 in town and went to the lovely market. He behaved, we found what we needed, and a lady gave me a flower because K2 was looking at the bouquets she was selling.


- I had a sweet moment with K2 this morning, sitting in front of the computer and singing french songs of my youth on youtube.

- I had a great session with one of my clients.

It's the little things... :)

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